Popular Services

Report problem or issue with software or service.

Place a request for new technology.

Assistance with BankMobile, Cashnet, Cognos, Third-Party Integrations and Marketplaces.

Technology training, Course content/building advice, Quality Matters consultations

Support for problems with your University-issued computing device (laptop, desktop, Mac, etc)

Dev Shell requests, Missing courses, Missing student enrollments, WebEx account issue, Canvas performance concerns, WebEx account access, Integrated Technology issues (Publisher LTIs, Proctorio, etc.)

Support for access management and new account creation.

Assistance with Dynamic Forms.

Place a request for new software.

Assist with Custom Jobs, Scripts and Triggers.

Request or revoke access to departmental folders on the University T: drive.

Support for problems with your University-owned printing, scanning, or copying devices.

Assistance with Banner, our Student Information System.

Request assistance from custodial services.

Request assistance with keyboards, mice, headsets, speakers, webcams, etc

Help requests for the Canvas Continuing Education (CE) portal

Requests for:
Faculty Reviewer | Faculty Peer-Reviewer | Embedded Librarian | Peer Mentor

Complete the Project Intake Form if you need Information Technology to assist with managing a project. To maintain compliance, University projects are governed by TAC 216.

Request the installation/configuration of software in a classroom for instructional use.

For reporting MAJOR service interruptions/outages ONLY.

Support for your office monitor(s).

Request to change the ownership of a team within Microsoft Teams

Schedule a time to move University computer equipment for an office move.

Problems with call transfers, answering calls, poor call quality, etc