IT Checklist - New Employee

This is an IT resources and services checklist for new employees to TAMUCT.  Please read below for instructions on how to access the resources and services needed for your daily duties.

If you are changing departments within the University, please review: IT Checklist - Employee Leaving the University or Changing Departments

Shared Resources Access

This section requires your supervisor to submit the request.

Shared drive access (We recommend moving files to Teams files.)

  • Your department may have information stored on the university's T: drive.  If you need access to this area, your supervisor will need to submit a service request.  Employee name, NetID, and folder name(s) need to be included. 

Resource email account access (shared mailbox)

  • Your department may have a departmental email resource account(s).  If you need access to this area, your supervisor will need to submit a service request.  Employee name, NetID, and name of the resource email account(s) need to be included. 

Banner access


Computer Imaging/Prep/Installation

We require a 2-week notification for the imaging, prep, installation, or swap of a computer for a new employee.  This should be submitted by a supervisor prior to the new employee's start date.

In order to ensure as smooth and stress-free of a technology start for a new employee, please give us as much advanced notification as possible of their start date.  This gives us the time needed to ensure that their system is up-to-date and ready for first-time use.  Additionally, if any equipment needs to be moved, renamed, or replaced, we have time to ensure this is completed as well.

We recognize and understand that there are occasional deviations to the hiring process that allow for a much quicker hiring turnaround time, and therefore the employee might start sooner than anticipated.  We will do our best to accommodate their needs during this time, but we do ask for your patience.  

To request the imaging, wiping, prep, installation, or swap of a computer for a new employee, a service request may be submitted here.


Computer Profile Setup

For assistance with configuring your University-owned computer profile, please submit a service request.  Profile items can include:


Telephone Access

This section requires your supervisor to submit the request due to budgetary approval.

To request a phone line for a new/transfer employee, please submit a service request with the following information: 

  • phone number you want assigned to user
  • the new user's name and TAMUCT email address
  • Is a physical handset (phone) needed?  
  • Is softphone access needed?  (NOTE:  Softphone licenses are assigned to one individual only.  They cannot be used by multiple users - meaning more than one person cannot answer the number assigned to that softphone license.)  
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