When any computer application (online or locally installed) or service is newly purchased, renewed, or used (to include freeware, open-source, etc), a Third Party Vendor Assessment (3PVA) must be completed.
This form allows us to determine:
- What type of information the product will be using, storing or processing
- Whether or not the information is confidential or sensitive
- What reviews and approvals need to take place for the product
We are required to conduct this review for TAC §202.71 compliance and for compliance with the TX-RAMP certification process. TX-RAMP provides a standardized approach for security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring of cloud computing services that process the data of a state agency.
Note: Online training that is purchased with University funds does require the 3PVA to be completed prior to purchase.
A 3PVA is NOT required for the following situations:
- Free webinars that are offered by affiliate organizations, online lunch-and-learns, free online professional development opportunities, etc.
- Face-to-face trainings
- Trainings (online or in-person) that are a part of a conference, workshop, or convention that someone is attending, regardless of whether it is paid for by the school or is free.
1. Prior to the purchase of the requested application/service, please complete the 3PVA form. If there are items that you are unsure of, please contact the primary user of the software or software vendor and ask for the information. If there are still items you are unable to answer, please let us know.
- This assessment must be completed prior to purchase or renewal.
- It is best if the primary user of the software/service is the one to fill out the 3PVA form. Some of the questions ask for specific information - if we do not get accurate information, you will be notified and the form will need to be re-submitted.
- You must submit a copy of the 3PVA to IT for review via a service request. (Instructions below)
To get a copy of the 3PVA, do one of the following:
- Before clicking 'Submit', check the box for 'Send me a copy of my responses'. When you receive the email, click the 'View my Responses' button and you will taken to the form. You will be able to save a copy from there.
- After clicking submit, click 'Print or get PDF of answers' and save the file.
2. Once the form is completed, you will need to submit a ticket requesting the review of the 3PVA.
- If you already have a ticket open for a quote, you can attach the 3PVA to that ticket. Be sure to add a comment to your ticket to notify us of the completed 3PVA!
3. IT will review the 3PVA and send you an approval via your ticket. This approval is the documentation that must be included with your purchasing records, especially for contract-based purchases.